Our Partners in the Fight Against Counterfeiting and Piracy

Be Safe Buy Real
Authentix Logo

For over 25 years, Authentix’s vision has been to help create a world of confident commerce which includes solving the escalating problem of counterfeit branded products. We provide advanced digital and physical solutions to commercial companies for detection, prevention, and field enforcement against unauthorized product sales which is important to maintaining fair competition and consumer safety. By supporting the “Be Safe Buy Real” campaign, we are able to build awareness with the general public about the prevalence and consequences of counterfeiting and join together to advocate for consumer safety and product authenticity.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

"With good reason, during the global pandemic, consumers are ramping up their online purchasing. While this is great news for the American economy, it is also a ripe opportunity for counterfeiters. Criminals have adapted to our new online shipping standard, and it's more important than ever for consumers to remain vigilant. That's why the Global Innovation Policy Center Supports Be Safe Buy Real's consumer-focused approach of this anti-counterfeiting initiative." - Kasie Brill, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Vice President of Brand Protection & Strategic Initiatives and Executive Director of the Global Brand Council

IPR Center

For over 125 years, UL has fulfilled its mission of ‘Working for a safer world’ and has been the gold standard for protecting consumers and their trademark. UL backs up their words with strong enforcement and educational efforts like the Be Safe Buy Real anti-counterfeiting initiative. This initiative is another great example of UL’s efforts to protect consumers from counterfeit and unsafe products and the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center is proud to be a partner in this effort.


Canadian Blockchain Supply Chain Association (CBSCA) is proud to be partnering with the Be Safe Buy Real campaign to raise awareness on counterfeiting. Supply Chains are complex and have an important impact on consumer safety. Technologies such as blockchain can help lower the risk to consumers by providing visibility and traceability of products as they flow through the supply chain. It is with partners such as Be Safe Buy Real that we intend on educating our members on the benefits of safe buying behaviours.

Power Tool Institute, Inc

The Power Tool Institute (PTI) is proud to partner with the Be Safe Buy Real campaign, supporting efforts to combat the sale of counterfeit and knockoff goods. PTI, whose members represent market-leading brands of portable, stationary and lawn and garden products, is committed to the safe use of power tools. Reputable manufacturers work tirelessly to design, manufacture and bring to market coordinated systems that meet high standards of safety and all applicable regulatory requirements. With the increase in counterfeit and knock-off tools, batteries, and chargers, consumers are put at a greater risk for personal injury or property damage.