En qué hay que fijarse al comprar mascarillas de respiración

Be Safe Buy Real
What to look for when buying respirators

What to look for
when buying respirators

Check these signs of fakes:

No printedmarkings at allon the filteringfacepiecerespirator
No NIOSHmarking –or spelledincorrectly
Approval number(TC) missing onfiltering facepiecerespirator orheadband
Filtering facepiecerespirator hasear loops insteadof headbands
Claims ofapproval forchildren*
Made ofdecorative fabricor featuresdecorative add-ons(e.g., sequins)
Do you knowwhy respirators are aspecial type of mask?
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En qué hay que fijarse al comprar mascarillas de respiración(42.74 KB)